“The singers remain sovereign throughout the performance. With effortless ease they set the scene, especially RUTH STAFFA whose gruelling role poses no significant difficulties to her. With inexhaustible energy, she levitates between wrath and ecstatic love with the most delicate nuances and brilliant high notes.” FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG

“RUTH STAFFA gives Isolde a personal, unique tone colour: a rich soprano, certainly in the right repertoire... STAFFA is ( a new member of the ensemble) the most relaxed, most sovereign singer of the evening: She is definitely one with her role.” sOPERNWELT

“In this way, the opera experienced an oppressive modernity in which the ensemble set triumphal accents. Above all, RUTH STAFFA, who was vocally brilliant, whose expressive soprano covered the entire spectrum of the interpretation, and who also developed as an actress an Isolde, which was poignantly present.” MAIN ECHO

“RUTH STAFFA (as Isolde) and Alexander Spemann (as Tristan) surpass many performances to be heard in larger opera houses.” DEUTSCHLANDFUNK KULTUR HEUTE

“Most amazing is the performance of the new member of the ensemble RUTH STAFFA as Isolde...
RUTH STAFFA's fantastic soprano expression of female anger within the power games of her male adversaries, blows away the director's absurd attempt to squeeze Wagner's entire opera “A Plot in Three Acts” into a kind of colourful entertainment story which emphasises external processes, rather than focusing on the protagonist's inner conflict between a hateful world of deception and the nocturnal side of her soul.” WIESBADENER KURIER

“The house ensemble of the Mainz theatre made music and sang exquisitely. RUTH STAFFA leads the way as she lets her young dramatic soprano shine. Not once does she falter during her demanding performance.” MANNHEIMER MORGEN

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